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February 28, 2008


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For art we have to describe what this quote means and we need some help. any ideas?

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The Yale Mafia is so in the running for my coolest undergrad posse of geniuses award.

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I am trying to find the name of the artist who did the cover art for
the 1987 (also 1991..http://members.tripod.com/~v_m_smith/91scf.htm)
version of "Stranger in a Strange Land" by Robert A. Heinlein...for
some reason I can't find this info (but I don't own
the book). MOST IMPORTANTLY I want to know how to get a print of it,
in any form possible. THANKS!!...

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Yay!! They look awesome. I love how you framed them up. I'll have to do some on paper.

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Our political world is surrounded by art and images we put together with different meanings, (eg: a good leader). Leaders have used artwork to persuade us in many ways for many many years.

How does art created for a dictator differ from art created for a freely elected leader? In what was is it the same?

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