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January 30, 2008



A moratorium on free trade agreements? Why?

William Burns

Zero new illegal immigration? How's that supposed to work? The King Canute policy?


(1) Because right now we're doing it apparently to stop Hugo Chavez from, like, conquering Colombia or something and (2) I don't know about King Canute, but certainly we can pump up the border and punish bad hiring policies....


End the stupid ethanol plan...yes
Boost hydrogen funding...?
Hydrogen has never made sense, and never will. Ask any actual scientist.

Joseph A. Miller

Extend the tax cuts?? And where, exactly, are we going to find the $4.3 TRILLION to replace them or make up for them in spending cuts? Has it occurred to anyone that paying taxes in wartime is a patriotic act? In WWII not only did taxes rise but the American people loaned the government the 2008 equivalent of $750 billion. Where is that sense of sacrifice any more? We're already $10 trillion in the hole. The Chinese already have us over a financial barrel. And you want to extend the tax cuts? My God.

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