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January 05, 2008



"There can be no doubt of it: chivalry is now thoroughly dead. Our one preoccupation is to be safe. We don't know what we love, and if we do we don't dare mention it. We are willing to become anything, to be turned into any sort of worm, by the will of the majority. We are afraid of starving, of standing alone; above all we are afraid of having to fight. And when nevertheless we are forced to fight, we do so without chivalry. We do not talk of justice, but of interests. We have become very numerous, we have established a great many industries, we have encouraged a great many peoples to wish themselves very rich. All this has to be maintained, it has a great momentum, which we cannot resist. And we need our neighbour's land and markets and colonies; at least we need a strip along their borders, so as to be able to expand a little, and to breathe. For as it is, we are dreadfully crowded and insecure and unhappy; as if it made any essential difference whether 20 million more people read the same newspaper, and thought and said the same thing at the same moment. Is there in this megalomania a remnant of imitation of religious propaganda? Is it for the salvation of foreigners' souls that we wish to annex and to standardise them? Is it to prevent those who are unlike ourselves from being eternally damned that we long to exterminate them?

Meantime our society has lost its own soul. The landscape of Christendom is being covered with lava; a great eruption and inundation of brute humanity threatens to overwhelm all the treasures that artful humanity has created. Brute humanity has the power to destroy polite humanity, because it retains the material equipment of modern industry which has recently grown upon man like fresh hide, horns and claws."

George Santayana, Dominations and Powers, 1951

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In the United States, the term progressivism emerged in the late 19th century into the 20th century in reference to a more general response to the vast changes brought by industrialization: an alternative to both the traditional conservative response to social and economic issues and to the various more radical streams of socialism and anarchism which opposed them. Political parties, such as the Progressive Party, organized at the start of the 20th century, and progressivism made great strides under American presidents Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Lyndon Baines Johnson.

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The inability of secular scientists to fully model therapeutic logics blinds them to the way especially religious or metaphysical conceptions of verity may be integrated into frameworks of therapy that end up challenging the status of empirical truth itself.

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